Thursday, October 3, 2024



Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 10:50. Start at the Sea Ranch chapel, mm 55.66 at 11 am. Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Carefully cross the highway to Bosuns Reach. Enter trail on south side, then take a right onto trail going north. Before entering the hedgerow walk the Monarch Glen loop trail on the right, returning to the previous trail. Walk through the hedgerow then turn east onto Leeward Road. When Meadow trail is too muddy walk Leeward Road all the way from the hedgerow. Take a left on Seal Rock Reach and hike to Walk-On Beach for lunch. Proceed on the trail through hedgerow at post 37, then turn east, cross Leeward and retrace steps to chapel.
Leader: Laura
Photo Credit: Laura & Dona

Thursday, September 26, 2024



Meet at 9:35 at the pullout for the Gualala business directory and carpool at Anchor Bay at 9:45 at the south side of town on west side of highway. The hike will begin at the Pelican Bluff parking lot at 10:00. Please carpool if at all possible as there is limited parking. The Mendocino Land Trust has designed a 2.2-mile trail and this 73-acre preserve is home to the endangered Point Arena Mountain Beaver and several rare plants, as well as a creek (which is recovering from cattle grazing) and Bishop pine forest. We will start our hike with the trail that goes to the bluff and then South, retracing our steps back to the parking area. After that, we’ll hike the loop that goes North and then down to the bluff, and finish up with the short loop in the center, eating lunch at the picnic tables.
Leaders: John & Lynn

Photo Credit: Laura

Thursday, September 19, 2024



Carpool at 9:50 at the pullout for the Gualala business directory north of bridge or meet at 10:00 at the Stengel Beach Coastal Access parking area. Walk south to the Ohlson Ranch Center and cut through the Demonstration Garden to take the trail between the highway and the Ohlson Ranch Center. Cross the highway at Headlands Reach and take an immediate left on a trail off Headlands Close (mm 53.00). Upon reaching Longmeadow Trail follow it south and up hill. At a trail crossing take a right on Spur Close Trail. This trail goes downhill almost to Spur Close in order to go around trees along a creek, then uphill again through a wooded area. Reaching a bifurcation, take the right hand fork down to the highway. Cross and walk down Navigator's Reach, then walk north on the Blufftop Trail to the starting point, saying hello to the seals at Green Cove's Marine Preserve along the way. Eat at Ohlson at the end.
Leader: Laura

Photo Credit: Laura

Thursday, September 12, 2024


 Carpool at the pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 9:30. Hikers with County Regional Park passes should drive. Please carpool as parking spaces on the first part are limited. We will first hike the two bluff sections of the trail. Then we will drive to the day use area and park. We will hike through the beautiful forested canyon, cross a small stream, then up along the ridge until we reach the old Fort Ross schoolhouse and then through the Canyon and down to the Cove for lunch. Parts of this hike subject to change depending on the conditions. After lunch we'll return to our cars. Dogs allowed on leash and hiking sticks helpful for a few steep spots and river crossing.
Leader: Joel, 707-485-4339

Thursday, September 5, 2024


 Meet at 9:50 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge to carpool or at the Sea Ranch chapel at 10:00. Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Walk north along the Chapel Trail through meadow, forest and ravine. Return on the Azalea Trail, which leads to the Chapel Trail; follow it south back to the Chapel. There are moderate elevation changes on this hike. Those who want to can use the newly installed bench or the rock wall close to the chapel to sit down for lunch at the end.
Leader: Stephen, 707-787-0356

Thursday, August 29, 2024



Meet at 9:50 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at 10:00 at Anchor Bay (West side of Hwy 1) to carpool and start at Rollerville Junction 2 miles north of Point Arena at 10:20. Cars can park along highway 1 facing south. We will be hiking a T pattern. Starting down the road (aka Huckleberry Row) to the Loran Station we will first head south to some spectacular rock formations and then retrace back to the Loran Station and this time we will head north for some more great views of the lighthouse (weather permitting) and our coastline. After taking in the views we will return and eat our lunch near the blow holes (or find a spot out of the wind depending on the weather). Eventually we will retrace our way back along "Huckleberry Row" where those who want to may stay and pick huckleberries can and others can return by the road to their cars. Carpools should be done in a way to accommodate pickers and non-pickers. This is a relatively flat hike with only minor elevation change.
Leader: Harmony, 707-734-0773

Photo Credit: Gary, Joel, Rita, Bob

Thursday, August 22, 2024


Start at Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00 (on westside entrance just left after pulling past fee post- there is a fee per car. (Or park across the street and cross Hwy 1 if you do not have a pass.) Hike on road going north till reach trail that accesses river bluff. Turn left on that trail and follow it till you reach Visitor Center parking lot. Just after visitor center veer right on grass trail which takes you toward beach. Cross paved path to beach and proceed past restroom to coast. Bear left on bluffs and continue on the Blufftop Trail to the Salal Trail intersection. Either take it back to the cars if not too muddy or turn around and when you reenter County Park turn immediate right on path and proceed to beginning. As you enter the road to the visitor center, follow it a bit toward Highway until you see trail bearing right. Follow it back to Hidden Parking Lot.
Leaders: Rita, 760-583-1300