Photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller |
Photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller |
Photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller |
Photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller |
Carpool at 9:30 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge, and at The Sea Ranch Lodge at 9:45. Park at the call box parking area one-half mile south of Stump Beach on the east side of HWY 1 (south of MM 41.00). Take trail on east side of the highway. We will do a forest loop and then cross the highway and walk to the headlands. Hike north on the bluff all the way to a rock outcropping in line with the call box on the highway, then continue for another few minutes toward Stump Beach. There have lunch seated on some wonderful rock ledges, watch the crashing surf and see the salt pockets after which Salt Point was named at Glen's Spot. After lunch continue on the trail to the Highway and carefully walk back to the cars. Dogs are not allowed on the Salt Point trails. Walking sticks are a good idea. This is potentially a bit longer hike, but it has both forest and bluff and a wonderful lunch spot. If its windy we may do the hike in reverse direction and lunch in the forest.
Leaders: Mary Sue Ittner and Bob Rutemoeller
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