Thursday, July 4, 2024



Meet at 9:35 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge and at 9:50 at the end of Verdant View near Sea Ranch Supply. Sea Ranch members please bring along extra hang tags for non Sea Ranchers. Carpool to the Hot Spot and start from there at 10:00. Walk up the Hot Spot Loop Trail to River Beach Road to Deep Woods to East Ridge Rd catching the Ridge Trail from 101 to 102, exiting at Sorcerer Wood and picking up the Spring Meadow Trail at 314 to 316 and then circle the airport (Sea Ridge Rd, trail to Timber Ridge Rd.) Walk down River Beach Road entering the San Andreas Fault Interpretive Trail at post 304 and following it to post 305. Continue on River Beach Road, catching the old road (now closed) to return to the Hot Spot for lunch. Lunches can be left in the car as we'll eat at the end of the hike. Walking sticks advised for this hike.
Leader: Stephen, 707-787-0356

Photo Credit: Stephen

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