Thursday, February 25, 2010

Signs of Spring

It was a large group today - 15 hikers! No rain, and some first signs of spring. Oh, and a lovely cake in honor of Nell's birthday made by Mary Sue.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The the ridge and back

Today we walked from Cooks Beach to my home studio on the ridge and back. On the way UP the hill we got a lesson in mushrooms from one of the only people I trust to pick wild mushroom: John Peterson. Here he is showing us a hedgehog, chanterelle, and ?? I don't remember the other.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bower Family Hike

It was a lovely mainly road hike through the south end of The Sea Ranch today. The hike was lead by Dave and Diana Bower and we serendipitously ran into their daughter-in-law, grand-daughter and son along the way. The hike ended with a lunch and the always tasty 2Fish Bakery.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rain Change

It was raining slightly when the hike was scheduled to meet so only 2 brave souls (myself and Mary Sue) showed up. We decided on an alternative, shorter, closer hike. We walked from the County Park to the "Magic Forest" and along the Gualala River. Rain was scarce and the hike was a treat. We saw a few fishermen -- at least one was fly fishing. I am grateful I didn't wimp out.