Upcoming Schedule

 Hi Ramblers,

Here is the schedule for our winter hikes. I’ve included a number of road hikes since lately we’ve had so much rain and many of the trails are muddy.

Remember – if it’s raining the day of the hike, we do not officially cancel the hike but the leader isn’t required to show up. Those that do want to hike should meet at the posted starting point and can either do the scheduled hike or pick something else.

The current hike schedule (and archives going back to 2009) can always be found at https://thursdayramblers.blogspot.com/. This is the best source for the hikes as occasionally things change from what I send out in this email and the website is always kept updated.


Meet at 10:00 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge to carpool and/or at the end of Verdant View near the Ranch Cafe at 10:15. Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Walk on informal path west to Timber Ridge Road. Walk south on this road until the end of the road. This is a forested road with ups and downs so a hiking stick could be helpful but is not mandatory. When we reach the end, we will turn around and walk back stopping at the Posh Squash where there are picnic tables where we can eat our lunch and survey the vegetable gardens.
Leader: Laura, 408-306-5321

ANNAPOLIS ROAD HIKE #1 - January 9, 2025
Carpool at 9:15 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge and on Verdant View (park along the cul-de-sac by Sea Ranch Supply) at 9:30. Sea Ranch members please bring along extra hang tags for non Sea Ranchers. We will drive east on Annapolis Road and park across from the Sonoma County Maintenance yard at 32700 Annapolis Road. Hike east along the road for about an hour or until we reach the wonderful old Madrone tree and return. On the return we will take a short side trip to look at the Old Annapolis school and the cemetery close to it. When we get back to our cars we will drive to the Annapolis Winery to eat our lunches at their picnic tables. This is a chance to see the land as it once was and compare it with the parcels that have been converted to vineyards. There is some up and down on this hike, but this stretch is flatter than what comes before or after.
Leader: Mary Sue, 884-4824

CRISPIN LANE - January 16, 2025
Meet at 9:20 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at 9:30 at Anchor Bay (West side of Hwy 1) to carpool. We will drive to Crispin Lane in Manchester, parking at the Manchester Community Center/Garcia Guild (formerly the Grange) and walk to the end of this county road. Hike starts around 10:00 a.m. We will pass green fields and have lovely views of the ocean on our way back. This road starts out relatively flat and then goes slowly up so we'll coast on the return trip. Afterwards we will find a suitable spot to have our lunch outside at the Community Center. NOTE: There are often loose dogs on Crispin Lane so you may not want to bring your dog.
Leader: Laura, 408-306-5321

GUALALA POINT PARK #3 - January 23, 2025
Start at the Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00. You can park on westside entrance just left after pulling past the fee post. If you have a pass, bring it as there is a fee to park in the park. Or park across the street and cross Hwy 1 if you do not have a pass. Hike from there down to the beach but instead of going to the beach go south past the restrooms to the bluff. Bear left on bluffs and continue on Bluff Trail until you intersect the Salal Trail. Hike the Salal Trail to Hwy 1, turn left and follow frontage path back to the Park and the Hidden Parking lot. If it is very wet, can retrace steps instead of taking the Salal Trial. Lunch at the Hidden Parking lot tables or by the poles.
Leader: Dona

LEEWARD ROAD - BLUFF TRAIL - January 30, 2025
Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 10:50 and at the Del Mar Center at 11:00. Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Walk south on Leeward Road until it intersects Pacific Reach (taking the meadow trail after Sea Pine Reach instead if it is not too wet.) Continue south on Pacific Reach until you intersect the Public Access trail to Shell Beach. Walk south and then turn around to walk on to One-Eyed Jacks in time for lunch. Return north on the Bluff Top Trail walking on Walk-On Beach and finally taking the detour back to Leeward and the Del Mar Center. Leader may choose to do this in the reverse direction depending on the weather and which direction he/she thinks the views are best.
Leader: Stephen, 707-787-0356

Carpool at 9:30 at pullout for the Gualala business directory north of bridge. Shortly after entering Salt Point State Park, drivers from the north should prepare to turn left on Kruse Ranch Road and drive to the official parking area for Kruse Reserve. There are no fees or passes required. Hike will begin from the Kruse parking area at 10:00. We will hike up the gravel road all the way to Plantation. The ascent is gradual, but the gravel large and often sharp, so sturdy shoes are recommended. In the late nineteenth century, Plantation was an important destination for travelers from San Francisco on their way to Gualala. It had the only hotel available. The views are spectacular. We will walk along several gushing creeks, and have views into deep forested canyons. The return trip is all downhill and we will have lunch at Kruse Reserve. This hike is a bit longer than our regular hikes, about five miles, but the rewards are great.
Leader: Laura, 408-306-5321

Start at the Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00 (on westside entrance just left after pulling past fee post). There is a fee per car. (Or park across the street and cross Hwy 1 if you do not have a pass.) Walk through the Serge Poles and then cross the road to the bench overlooking the Gualala River. Take the trail from there that leads to the Visitor Center and from there the northernmost trail to the bluff. Hike to Whale Watch Point for the view and then hike to the bluff, turn south and walk along the Bluff Trail past Salal Cove (continue to your right after the small bridge). Between post 64 and 63 turn left walking through the hedge row and on Fish Rock Road to Leeward. Turn left on Leeward and walk until you see the path that goes toward the golf course club house. Turn right following it back to the highway and the Hidden Parking Lot.  Lunch at the picnic tables at the end.
Leader: Dona, 775-420-2265

PELICAN BLUFF - February 20, 2025
Meet at 9:35 at the pullout for the Gualala business directory and carpool at Anchor Bay at 9:45 at the south side of town on west side of highway. The hike will begin at the Pelican Bluff parking lot at 10:00. Please carpool if at all possible as there is limited parking. The Mendocino Land Trust has designed a 2.2-mile trail and this 73-acre preserve is home to the endangered Point Arena Mountain Beaver and several rare plants, as well as a creek (which is recovering from cattle grazing) and Bishop pine forest. We will start our hike with the trail that goes to the bluff and then South, retracing our steps back to the parking area. After that, we’ll hike the loop that goes North and then down to the bluff, and finish up with the short loop in the center, eating lunch at the picnic tables.
Leader: Jack, 916-220-7653

Start at Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00 (on westside entrance just left after pulling past fee post.)  There is a fee per car. (Or park across the street and cross Hwy 1 if you do not have a pass.) Cross the highway and pick up the Badger Trail. Take the Badger Trail and hike the Pomo Hillside Trail to Deer Trail. Turn left (post 147) and walk along the road, turning right on Halcyon and crossing the highway. Turn right on Leeward, left on Fish Rock, taking the trail through the hedge row to the Bluff Trail. Walk along the trail until you pass post 70. Take trail off to right to 70A and Sea Lion. Walk to the end of the road, turn left and walk along Leeward Road to the end, entering the trail at post 76A. Connect to the Bluff Trail again and then walk to the park taking the first right back to the Visitor’s Center and back to the Hidden Parking lot. lunch at the picnic tables at the end.
Leader: Stephen, 707-787-0356

Meet at 9:30 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at 9:40 at Anchor Bay (west side of Hwy 1) to carpool and start at Point Arena City Hall at 10:00. Walk north until you reach a road that will lead you to the bluff and spectacular ocean views. Follow the bluff north for a while to catch the spectacular middle section with views of the islands, ocean, and the Lighthouse before turning around and walking south along the bluff towards Arena Cove. This is mostly coastal grassland so there isn't much elevation change, but the ground is uneven and there are gopher holes so good hiking shoes are helpful.  A suitable lunch spot will be found with a good view before returning to the cars.
Leader: Harmony, 707-734-0773

MOONRAKER HIKE - March 13, 2025
Carpool at 10:45 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge and meet at the Black Point Beach Coastal Access parking area at 11:00 (there are a limited number of spots at this parking area so please carpool). Hike to Moonraker Rd and take trail behind tennis courts. Trail exits on Ramsgate which take to Galleon's Reach. Turn west to Seagate and turn right on it and follow it to the end. Continue on trail at end of Seagate. Turn left to Bluff on public access trail which intersects bluff trail at Pebble Beach. Lunch at Pebble Beach and then back to the cars.
Leader: Cynthia, 925-683-3089

Meet at 10:00 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge to carpool and at the Black Point Beach Coastal Access parking area at 10:15. Park at MM 44.00 at Salt Point where we will start the hike at 10:30. The turnoff is tricky; turnoff at MM44 even though the sign says Turnout 1/4 mile. This hike is quite steep in places so hiking sticks and boots are recommended. Hike on the trail staying right at the fork until you go over the crest of the hill and have a beautiful view of Horseshoe Cove. Descend sharply until you reach the Bluff. Walk south along the bluff until about 11:30 and retrace your steps until we reach a magical rock formation for lunch. The return to the cars after lunch will be uphill, but this is a gorgeous spot so worth the effort. Hopefully we will see whales on this hike.
Leader: Joel, 707-485-4339

Meet at 10:00 in back part of the Gualala Arts parking lot. We will walk one of the GAC trails before hiking along the road down to the green bridge and back. There are some mild elevation changes. We will have lunch at the picnic tables at the Arts Center, and after lunch those interested can view the art shows inside.
Leader: Rita, 760-583-1300

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