Thursday, March 29, 2012


Photo credit:  Mary Sue Ittner
Photo credit:  Mary Sue Ittner
Photo credit:  Mary Sue Ittner
Photo credit:  Mary Sue Ittner
Photo credit:  Mary Sue Ittner

Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 9:45. Start at Big Tree Close and Timber Ridge Road at hike marker 122 at 10 a.m. Please bring hang tags for non Sea Ranchers. Pass marker 116.  At marker 111 take left fork.  Follow trail to marker 104  which ends at Longmeadow. Go through gate and turn right back onto a forest path.  Continue on this trail, past the Sag Pond.  The path eventually joins the main trail again at marker 110.  Continue back along trail until marker 117. Walk west to marker 118.  Afterwards follow the upper portion of the Big Tree Loop Trail to marker 120. Exit at 123 at Big Tree Close and return to parking area on Timber Ridge.  It was a misty overcast day and the group opted to skip lunch.
Leader: Jim Suhr
NOTE:  I was in Madison, WI speaking at Monona Terrace today and missed this hike.  Thank you Mary Sue for the report and photos.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


message from the Troll
Dard giving a history lesson
The tree you can stand inside
Guest appearance at the potluck from "Brownie Bob"
What a lovely day!  Thanks Dard and Mary for opening your home to our motley crew.
Surprise contribution to our potluck from guest hikers Brad and Karen!  Chocolate Chippers - YUMMMMMMM

Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 9:40. Meet at Dard & Mary Hunter's at 9:45. We will leave our potluck food there while we hike. It's East on Halcyon (North end of Sea Ranch) North on Deer Trail, West on Screech Owl. Starting on Screech Owl, do entire Pomo Creekside Trail.  At Deer Trail turn left to Pomo Hillside Trail.  As this trail exits to Deer Trail turn right and take first left to turn left again on dirt road.  As road exits woods, take unofficial trail to the right which exits on County Park Road to campground.  Follow to the right and at bottom of hill take unofficial trail heading toward river and explore this beautiful area. Reverse and start back. Cover the route taken inbound until exiting on dirt road.  Turn right to Haversack connector trail.  Take it exiting on cul-de-sac which traverse turning right on Deer Trail.  Turn in on Pomo Creekside trail and return to beginning for a potluck lunch.
Leader: Tina Vasavada (with Dard's assistance)

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Hermit Hut #2
the Trillium were HUGE and abundant
Photo credit: Jane Seck
photo credit: Karen (visiting from Reno)
Meet at 8:30 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at Anchor Bay (west side of Hwy 1) at 8:40. We will carpool to Hendy Woods State park and begin the hike at approx. 10:00am from the Day-Use Area. Hendy Woods is one of our State Parks that is slated for closure this year.  This park contains some AMAZING old growth redwoods that are truly a sight to see.  We will meander through the trees past the "hermit hut" and loop back to the Day-Use area for lunch either on the river, in the field or under the trees depending on weather.  The rain held off.  It was a perfect day and we had the park practically to ourselves.  We even think we saw a leprechaun or two. . .
WARNING:  This is a longer drive than we normally do, but I promise if you go you will not be disappointed.  Expect some elevation change.  Walking sticks are not required but might be useful.
Leader:  Harmony Susalla

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Meet at 9:15 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge to carpool and at The Sea Ranch Lodge parking lot at 9:30. From Skagg's Spring Road turn on Tin Barn Road. Park below Odiyon. Walk to King Ridge Road and back, lunching at the end where there are logs along the road you can sit on. This is a road hike, but with lovely green vistas in the winter.  We saw lots of flowers in bloom and Brownie Bob came through with our dessert treat minus Bob.  We look forward to his in-person return after tax season!
Leader: Jim Suhr (out sick, substitutes: Mary Sue & Harmony)

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Carpool at 9:40 at pullout for the Gualala business directory north of bridge or at  Navigator's Reach at  9:55. Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Hike to the Bluff Trail and walk north along the Bluff Trail for about an hour, with a side trip to check on the progression of the leader's house. Return to Pebble Beach.
Leader: Linda Kennedy (out sick)