Thursday, December 27, 2012


photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
Meet at 10:15 in back part of Gualala Arts parking lot. Start with one of the shorter Gualala Arts trail hikes. Then hike along the road down to the bridge and the end of the county road and back. Along the way we visit the campground this time of the year. There are some mild elevation changes on this hike and nice views of the Gualala River. We can eat our lunches at the Art Center at the end. If you haven't already had the opportunity to add to Harmony and Mary Sue's gratitude list as they try to reach 2013 things to be grateful for before the end of the year you'll have a chance today.
Leaders: Bob Rutemoeller & Mary Sue Ittner

Thursday, December 20, 2012


photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
Christmas miracle Azaleas blooming! photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
Start at Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00  (on westside entrance just left after pulling past fee post.)   There is a fee per car. (Or park across the street and cross Highway One if you do not have a pass.)  Cross the highway and pick up the new section of the Badger Trail.  Take the Badger Trail and hike the Pomo Hillside Trail to Deer Trail. Turn left (post 147) and walk along the road, turning right on Halcyon and crossing the highway. Turn right on Leeward, left on Fish Rock, taking the trail through the hedge row to the Bluff Trail. Walk along the trail until you pass post 70. Take trail off to right to 70A and Sea Lion. Walk to the end of the road, turn left and walk along Leeward Road to the end, entering the trail at post 76A. Connect to the Bluff Trail again and then walk to the park taking the first right back to the Visitor's Center and back to the Hidden Parking lot. Our leader may choose to lead us in singing Christmas carols along the way. Optional lunch at the picnic tables at the end.
Leader: Tina Vasavada

Thursday, December 13, 2012


Carpool at 9:15 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge and at The Sea Ranch Business Center on Annapolis Rd at 9:30. Turn right before you reach the Fire Station. We can park along the cul-de-sac by the building supply.  Sea Ranch members please bring along extra hang tags for non Sea Ranchers. Park along side what was once the Old Hollow Tree Store across from the Sonoma County Maintenance yard at 32700 Annapolis Road. Hike east along the road for about an hour or until we reach the wonderful old Madrone tree and return. This is a chance to see the land as it once was and compare it with the parcels that have been converted to vineyards. There is some up and down on this hike, but this stretch is flatter than what comes before or after. Lunch can be on the porch of the old Annapolis School where we will drive after we get back to the cars.
Leader: Gary Sprague

Thursday, December 6, 2012


photo credit: Mary Sue Ittner
photo credit: Mary Sue Ittner
photo credit: Mary Sue Ittner
Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 10:15 a.m. Start at Ohlson Ranch Center at 10:30 a.m. Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Take the Blufftop Trail north to post 27. Turn left on Breaker Reach to Vantage, crossing the highway and picking up the stub to the trail and then turning right and then left to walk uphill to post 113 and the cluster homes at Madrone Meadows. Walk up to Redwood Rise where the walk-in cabins are and then left at Pine Meadow Road to Unit 29A. This was planned in 1970's. The 4 model homes #2, #3, #4 (Yuen), #5 as well as a few cabins were completed in 1972. We'll eat our lunches in the leader's home. Afterwards walk down from the forest to the water treatment plant, crossing the highway and back to the Ohlson Ranch and the cars.
Leader: Theresa Yuen