This is the section that was logged last year. Hard to tell isn't it! |
Trees will blue lines will be logged next time they cut this area. Each section of his land is on a 16 year logging cycle. |
The chicken coup. |
Meet at 9:15 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge to carpool and at The Sea Ranch Lodge parking lot at 9:30. We have a wonderful opportunity to visit the Plantation Forest managed by owner Ed Tunheim. He has agreed to give us a tour of this property, which adjoins Plantation Camp. This is a very beautiful property with many surprises and it is fascinating to learn how he plans his harvest so the forest remains healthy and productive, but you can barely tell he is logging. Drive south turning left on Kruse Ranch Road and drive to the top. Turn left on Hauser Bridge Rd and enter through the gate opposite the brightly colored mailbox.
Arranged by Dave and Diana Bower