All photos by Laura Bridge |
Carpool at the pullout for Gualala Business Directory just north of
bridge at 9:45 and/or at the Sea Ranch Annapolis Road Business Center at
10:00. Turn right before you reach the Fire Station. We can park along
the cul-de-sac by the building supply. Hang tags needed for non Sea
Ranchers who park there to carpool. Park on Kelly Road 1 mile beyond
entrance to Annapolis winery and hike to park. Hike on gravel road 2.3
miles to this 49 acre relatively unknown Sonoma County Park known
locally as Kelly Park. From the Parks website: "The park is a perfect
place to stop among your travels. Rest or hike under the fragrant
shelter of redwood groves, while enjoying the soothing sounds of running
water from the adjacent Soda Springs Creek. Amenities include picnic
areas, restroom, barbecues, and hiking trails." Lunch, tour the park,
and return.
Leaders: Ken & Marian Brown