All photos by Bob Rutemoeller |
Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge
at 9:50. Start at 10:00 at Dard and Mary Hunter’s house on 205 Screech
Owl where we can leave our lunches (east on Halcyon, left on Deer Trail,
left on Screech Owl.) Hang tags needed for non Sea Ranchers. Do the
lower loop of the Pomo Creek Trail continuing to the end turning left on
Deer Trail at post 146 and walking to post 148. Walk the Pomo Hillside
Trail back to post 147, Deer Trail south to Halcyon where we will catch
the Saloon Trail at post 141 and take it to post 133, walking on Deer
Trail again and then walking across the highway, turning right on
Leeward. Walk north to Tallgrass continuing until you come to the spot
where the golf cart path passes under Highway One. Hike under the
Highway and continue on the trail until you intersect the Saloon Trail.
Turn left and walk north on the trail ending at Screech Owl where we can
join Dard to eat our lunches.
Leader: Steve Coffeysmith