Thursday, December 29, 2016


photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

Meet at 10:00 in back part of Gualala Arts parking lot. Hike along the road down to the bridge and the end of the county road and back. We will walk through the local access to the river referred to as "Switchville"where lots of trash will be collected. There are some mild elevation changes and lovely glimpses of the Gualala River. Harmony & Sus will prepare something hot for us and the rest of us can bring something to go with it for lunch following at the Gualala Arts Center.
Leader: Harmony
mileage: 5.17

Thursday, December 22, 2016


photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller
photo credit: Gary Levenson-Palmer
photo credit: Mary Sue Ittner
photo credit: Mary Sue Ittner

Meet at 10:20 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at Anchor Bay (west side of Hwy 1) at 10:30. We will turn in at Alder Creek Beach Road (mm 22.48), then turn directly left and park parallel on the road that parallels Highway One. Hike starts around 11. Mary will lead us to a nice view point before we make our way to the beach. Hike was modified from original because the rivers were impassable due to rains.
Leader: Mary Heibel

Thursday, December 15, 2016



Start at Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00  (on westside entrance just left after pulling past fee post.)   There is a fee per car. (Or park across the street and cross Highway One if you do not have a pass.) Walk through the Serge Poles and then cross the road to the bench overlooking the Gualala River. Take the trail from there that leads to the Visitor Center and from there the northernmost trail to the bluff. Hike to Whale Watch Point for the view and then turn south and walk along the Bluff Trail past Salal Cove. Between post 64 and 63 turn left walking through the hedge row and on Fish Rock Road to Leeward. Turn left on Leeward and walk until you intersect the Salal Trail. Turn right following it back to the highway and the Hidden Parking Lot.  Lunch at the picnic tables at the end.
Leader: Linda Kennedy

Thursday, December 8, 2016

HENDY WOODS STATE PARK - canceled - due to rain

all photos by Bob Rutemoeller

Meet at 8:30 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at Anchor Bay (west side of Hwy 1) at 8:40. A bit of drizzle, but no heavy rain for the Gualala Point Park hike as an alternative to the Hendy Woods SP hike originally scheduled.
Ginger Thompson-Veys

Thursday, December 1, 2016


photo credit: Laura Bridge
photo credit: Steve Coffeysmith
photo credit: Laura Bridge
photo credit: Laura Bridge
photo credit: Laura Bridge
photo credit: Laura Bridge

Carpool at pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at 9:45 and park at the public access trail for Stengel Beach at 10:00. Take the access trail to the Bluff trail and follow it south to post 9. Turn left and take the Pebble Beach access, turning left on the bicycle path before you reach the parking area, continuing on Sculpture Point Drive, right on Navigators Reach, and left on bicycle path. Follow it and the trail to 14 b and c. Cross the highway and continue in the same direction taking 242 on the Firebreak trail to 243 on the Longmeadow trail and going northwest on it around the stables and crossing the highway again at Wild Iris. Depending on the weather lunch will be optional or at one of the beaches or the Ohlson Rec Center.
Leader: Theresa Yuen