at 9:30 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge or
park at 9:45 at The Sea Ranch Business Center on Verdant View (turn
right before you reach the Fire Station). We can park along the
cul-de-sac by the building supply. Sea Ranch members please bring along
extra hang tags for non-Sea Ranchers. At the end of the hike we will be
having lunch at the Ranch Café, so it’s best to place your order before
we start the hike so it will be ready when we return. The hike will
start at 10:00. Walk Verdant View back towards the north and turn left
on Annapolis road, using the trail on the left side of the road. Left on
Timber Ridge. Walk Timber Ridge, right on Fly Cloud and right on
Westgate Drive, back to Timber Ridge, where you turn left. Cross
Annapolis Road where Timber Ridge becomes Sea Ridge. Follow Sea Ridge to
a T intersection with Spring Meadow. Turn right on Spring Meadow and
left on Timber Ridge. Follow the trail at Trail Post 313, near Sorcerer
Wood, proceeding left as you pass TP312, returning to the pavement
turning right on East Ridge Rd. at TP311.Turn left on Deep Woods Rd, and
right on River Beach Rd. Turn left on Timber Ridge Rd. using the new
trail on the right side of the pavement. Right on Annapolis Road, then
left onto Verdant View. We will eat lunch at The Ranch Café, or you can
bring your own lunch.
Leader: Adrian Adams for Linda Kennedy
Mileage: 4.2
photos contributed by Bob R, Mary Sue, and Harmony
at 10:00 in back part of the Gualala Arts parking lot. We will walk one
of the new GAC trails before hiking along the road down to the green
bridge and back. There are some mild elevation changes. We will have
potluck lunch inside the Arts Center, and after lunch those interested
can view the art shows inside. Harmony will provide soup or chili and
everyone should bring something to share.
Leader: Harmony Susalla
Mileage: 4.9
photos contributed by Mary Sue, Bob, and Harmony
at 9:30 at pullout for Gualala business directory north of bridge to
carpool and at The Sea Ranch Lodge parking lot at 9:45. From Skagg's
Spring Road turn on Tin Barn Road and drive to King Ridge Road and park.
Hike King Ridge two miles (up) and return. This stretch is very
beautiful in winter with mist, oak trees, and nice views. There is
plenty of up and down on this hike. We will eat at an old cemetery.
Leaders: John & Lynn Walton
Mileage: 4.0
photos contributed by Mary Sue, Bob R and Gary B
at 10:20 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at 10:30 at
Anchor Bay (West side of Hwy 1) to carpool and start at the junction of
Lighthouse Road and Hwy 1, 2 miles north of Point Arena at 11:00. We
will travel the access road to the old Coast Guard Loran site (now owned
by Mendocino Community College) turning left before we get there to
enter that middle section of the Point Arena-Stornetta Public Lands.
From there we will walk through the "forest" to the bluff and enjoy the
spectacular views of the offshore islands and the Ocean and find a
suitable site for lunch before retracting our steps.
Leader: Mary Heibel
Mileage: 3.8
photos contributed by: Mary Sue, Bob R. and Gary B.
at the pullout for Gualala business directory just north of bridge at
9:25 and at The Sea Ranch Lodge parking lot at 9:40. Hikers with County
Regional Park passes should drive. Please carpool as parking spaces on
the first part are limited. First we will drive to the day use area and park. We will
hike through the beautiful forested canyon, and up the "dead end" trail and back and down along the river until the normal crossing spot. Due to the rains (and the bridge being out) we did not cross but retraced our path along the river and down to the Cove. We returned to cars and drove north to hiked the two bluff sections of
the trail. Dogs allowed on leash and hiking sticks helpful for a few
steep spots and river crossing.
Leaders: Mary Sue Ittner
Mileage: 4
photos contributed by: Harmony & Mary Sue