Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Bench and Welcome Back Bob!

I forgot my camera again so big thanks to Dard for providing these pictures!

We hiked the east ridge side of The Sea Ranch and had lunch at "The Bench" famous for its view of the ocean (seen here). Also at our lunch spot were some incredible Pussy Ear flowers (above). To make a beautiful day even better George brought his famous Swedish cookies to share and Bob made chocolate brownies in honor of tax season being over! Welcome back Bob!!!

1 comment:

  1. Today was a perfect hiking day with great temperatures and not a lot of wind. The trail was a bit wet so you had to watch your step. We saw Calypso orchids and the first Corallorhiza orchids (spotted coral root orchids), a lot of Douglas Iris and then so many Calochortus tolmiei (photo above) in the lunch spot. These are usually seen closer to the ocean so an unexpected pleasure for this bulb fan. Thanks to George and Kathie who were the leaders.


be kind.