Thursday, January 10, 2013


photo credit: Sus
photo credit: Sus
photo credit: Sus
photo credit: Sus
photo credit: Sus
photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

photo credit: Bob Rutemoeller

Carpool at the pullout for Gualala business directory at 10:30 and at The Sea Ranch Lodge parking lot at 10:45. Start at 11:00 at Salt Point State Park. Turn west at Main Entrance and follow road down to ocean where the large parking lot is. Bring coupons if you have them. Hike the coastal trail along the bluffs starting at left side of parking lot. Continue north until you are at trail which descends into Stump Beach. If the weather cooperates, we will have lunch at a special spot Glen Forbes found for us. We will walk back by jeep trail which is inland of coastal trail. This section of Salt Point has interesting rock formations and often spectacular waves this time of the year. Dogs are not allowed on the Salt Point trails.
Leader: Harmony Susalla

1 comment:

  1. It was very windy and cool, but the waves put on a royal fireworks show.


be kind.