Thursday, June 27, 2013


Giant Pile Worm
ALL PHOTOS ABOVE by Bob Rutemoeller
While you were at Bowling Ball Beach I was backpacking on the Appalachian Trail in Georgia

Meet at 8:05 at pullout for Gualala business directory to carpool and at Anchor Bay at 8:15 south side of town on west side of highway. Start at Moat Creek at MM 12.77 on way to Pt. Arena at 8:30. We may have to park along Highway One because of the abalone divers so should carpool as much as possible. Hike bluff south to Bowling Ball Beach.  This stretch is mostly level, but with two short steep stretches (up one way and down another.) The beach can be rocky and a bit challenging to walk on in a few stretches. There is a minus tide this day. Bowling Ball Beach at a low tide is a sight to behold. After returning to Moat Creek you can either go home with the rest of the day free or those people who are interested can drive to Hearn Gulch and walk to the beach for brunch/snack. The latter requires using a rope, but the beach is quite charming and worth the effort.
Leader: Gary Sprague (THANKS Gary for filling in for me! - harmony)


  1. I'll be spending a few days at Point Arena in May. I was wondering if you have seen any tide pools worth mentioning?

    1. There are LOTS of tide pools in the area. I'd recommend Moat Creek or Bowling Ball Beach at low tide.


be kind.