Thursday, January 24, 2019


Meet at the Hidden Parking Lot at 10:00 (on the west side entrance, just left after pulling past fee post.) Or park across the street and cross Highway One if you do not have a pass. Walk through the Serge Poles and then cross the road to the bench overlooking the Gualala River. Take the trail from there that leads to the Visitor Center and from there the grass trail to the Beach. Walk as far as you can on the beach, turning around and retracing your steps and then hike south past the restrooms and along the bluff doing the loop for views of Whale Watch Point and then walking south until you reach the trail that goes south to Walk On Beach. Instead take the trail that takes you back towards the Visitor's Center where we will eat our lunches.
Leaders: April and Ron Dammann

Mileage: 3.2
photos contributed by: Bob R, Mary Sue and Harmony

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