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Meet at 9:15 at pullout for Gualala business directory and at Anchor Bay (west side of Hwy 1) at 9:30. The hike starts at the shoulder of Highway one (on the east side) just before Alder Creek Beach Road at 10:00. We will walk a short distance south along Highway 1 to the entrance gate across from Pacific View Drive. At the start of the walk there is tall grass. So be sure to wear long pants to help keep the ticks away. We will walk west on the trail past the old red house and down the hill with beautiful views of the ocean. Then we will head north at the environmental camps and up to the trail for some of the best wildflower displays. We should see our coastal California Poppies, Baby Blue Eyes, Buttercups, Douglas Irises, Sea Thrift, Lupin and more all in bloom at once. We will continue up past the "once beautiful home," to where we turn off to get views of Alder Creek and the coast beyond. That is where we should see both yellow, orange and red Indian PaintBrush and lots of Douglas Irises. We will have our lunch there. We will then walk back to our cars along the old Alder Creek Beach Road, where we will add Bush Lupine and Ceanothus to our list of plants in bloom. It should be a lovely spring time ramble. And, if we are really lucky, we will see some happy California Cows.
Leader: Mary Heibel, 707-882-2055
Photo Credit: Laura
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